Thursday, September 25, 2008

Organising your loved one's 16th, 18th or 21st Birthday Party

The key to organising a successful party for your loved one's milestone birthday is to remember that they just want to have fun. They want the opportunity to display their independence, growth and more importantly show off to their friends.

Mental images of drink, drugs and sexual activity strikes fear in even the most liberal parent. But with a little organising and clear communication these fears can be irradicated.

Below is a series of tips to help ensure a successful party:

Manage Expectations
It can be a headache working out what will please your child. Sit down with him or her and discuss both your own and their expectations. A list of do's and don't is not required, however, clear communication on the number of guests to be invited and what you will allow will help to establish the boundaries. If required specify the age group of intended guests.

Get them involved
This will enable your child to show you their maturity and prove to you that they can be responsible. Working together demonstrates trust and respect, which they will want to reciprocate.

What's hot? What's not?
Knowing what your loved one is into will help to determine the style of the event. Are they into hip hop, indie rock, pop, techno...? The array of music is vast but getting it right is essential, the last thing you want to do is present to your loved one a rock DJ when they are hip hop lovers.

Establishing the theme will simplify the process of organising the entertainment, decor and food. This will also help to provide a unique and 'cool' aspect to your loved ones birthday as it is usually important to them to keep up appearances amongst their peers and provide a fantastic event that will be talked about by all their friends for months to come!

With a little imagination there are a vast number of themes that can be incorporated. The possibilities are limitless, from an 'Adult kids party' which includes a fun fair and an adult sized bouncy castle, to a 'circus' theme event with acrobats, trapeze artist and ringmaster, to an Arabian themed party.

Getting the venue right is also of extreme importance. For instance, not all venues will allow you to host a foam party which your loved one has begged for. Equally hiring a boat will restrict their movement which can only be a good thing, right? Just joking but you get the idea.

Establishing the space required and how it will be used will help you to determine what venue will best accommodate your needs. For example a marquee may be more suitable for what you envisage or an open space such as a field, a boat, a nightclub or the local community centre may prove more applicable. The time, duration of activities, the number of guests attending and budget allotted will be considerations you'll need to take into account.

If your loved one is not celebrating their 18th or 21st birthday party then alcohol is a definite no-no. In order not to be outsmarted keep an eye on the drinks table, and if necessary every now and then, help yourself to a little tipple to make sure nothing has been added. Fruit juice bars and fruit cocktails are all the rage and provides a party with a fashionable non alcoholic alternative.

Do allow your loved one to be independent. The thought of leaving a bunch of young people to themselves seems like a nightmare waiting to happen. However, you can provide chaperones or even security guards casually dressed as not too draw attention to themselves. This will provide you with the knowledge that should anything go wrong there will be trained experts on site to deal with any altercations.

Plan, Plan, Plan
This is the most important aspect and can make or break a party. Many venues and entertainers are booked weeks and in some cases months in advance. In order to minimise a possible tantrum it is recommended that you start the organising early. From budget management, to controlling the invitations, determining activities, placing your order, scheduling the days event. Starting early and providing structure will help to ensure a smooth run event that encompasses all the elements that your loved one desires.

Adding the WOW factor
Specialist lighting, firework displays, celebrity guest appearances, props, dance floors, arcade machines, live entertainment can all be added to provide the wow factor.

Delpeche Events love handling the details that drive you mad. To guarantee a fantastic event give us a call on 0208 766 5848 alternatively email:

Theme Party Ideas:
- Hollywood Birthday Party
- Bollywood Birthday Party
- Celebrity Birthday Party
- Toga Birthday Party
- Stone Age Birthday Party
- James Bond Birthday Party
- Austin Powers Birthday Party
- Hawaiian Birthday Party
- Adult Birthday Party
- Roller Disco Birthday Party
- Gala Birthday Party
- Foam Party- Superhero Party
- Circus Style
- Rock and Roll 50’s Birthday Party
- 70s Disco Generation Birthday Party

Teenage parties, 16th birthday party ideas, 18th birthday party ideas, 21st birthday party ideas, Milestone birthday parties, Teenage party organisers, 21st party organiser,